An interdisciplinary theater artist as well as a scholar, his performance pieces explore theater’s capacity as a social practice. In the aftermath of Shakespeare im Park’s staged (and wandering) adaptation of Henry IV in Berlin’s Görlitzer Park in 2011, we began work re-adapting our adaptation as a classic Mercury Theater-style radio play. Entries are welcome through 26 November. Previous Shakespeare Credits: My Co-Mates & Brothers in Exile (Director/Creator, Shakespeare in the Ruff), The Merry Wives of Windsor (Assistant Director, Humber River Shakespeare Company), Julius Caesar (Brutus, Spur-of- the-Moment Shakespeare), König Heinrich der Vierte (Lady Mortimer, Shakespeare im Park Berlin), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Director, Parikrma Humanity Foundation, … Mocky´s Zirkus Show. Buch/ Konzept/ Regie: Shakespeare im Park Berlin. Aufführungen Macbeth Berlin … Over the last decade he co-founded and co-directed three performance ensembles – Culinary Theater, Shakespeare im Park Berlin, and the … Marian Ryan visits Lichtenberg’s Dong Xuan Center. Shakespeare im Park Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Berlin, Graz, Klagenfurt. The problem is, they feel excluded from social life if they can not participate in such activities. Juli 2012, 19 Uhr, Görlitzer Park, Berlin. Wunderbare Solo- und Duostücke unserer Spieler*Innen haben Sie gesehen. 27. Sa. Bei starkem Regen informiert die Website über Ausweichtermine. Shakespeare im Park Berlin* is looking to pump up your ETB Expat Month with its kale-spiced week of 10-minute performances – bringing Strength and Health to the month of March! // Premiere: 27.07.2012 im Görlitzer Park. We teamed up again with Tony Award-winning composer Stew, who worked with us on new music for the Park production, and in February 2012, we went into the studio in Berlin. Thin Skin Theater. The crush of the crowd can make it all a bit overwhelming: the humid, synthetic smell, buyers shouldering through the narrow, concrete-floored passages bulging with bins of cheap shoes, knock-off toys, ‘designer’ toilet seats, and racks of plastic bathmats touted as having ‘fresh taste.’ Juli 2012, 19 Uhr, Görlitzer Park, Berlin. Other resolutions: 320 × 238 pixels | 640 × 476 pixels | 1,024 × 761 pixels | 1,280 × 951 pixels | 6,803 × 5,057 pixels. Marisol is a proud volunteer performer and teacher with Clowns Without Borders USA, and was a 2019 Jim Rye Fellow with International Performing Arts for Youth (IPAY). For the most up-to-date information from SHAKESPEARE IM PARK BERLIN, come to our new website: Im Sommer 2012 präsentiert Shakespeare im Park Berlin eine neue Produktion im Görlitzer Park:Utopia⢠â Where All Is True. In this scene, Hotspur delivers a … Kamera & Schnitt: Andreas Funabashi 11. Shakespeare Im Park Berlin performs on Saturdays and Sundays until September 10th at Görlitzer Park, entrance Oppelner Strasse. 6. Size of this preview: 800 × 595 pixels. (Was hat Ber- lin eigentlich, was Muenchen nicht hat?) How many have you burned this week? Henry IV / Heinrich der Vierte, Shakespeare. 2012; Laira, Dori, Landov. 19:00 Uhr Schloss Britz Berlin-Kulturstall Das Wintermärchen! Vocal & Dance Dany Reiter Theatre: Dany Reiter Show Productions. 1992 gastiert die bremer shakespeare company mit insgesamt 30 Vorstellungen am Theater der Freien Volksbuehne. Im Sommer 2012 präsentiert Shakespeare im Park Berlin eine neue Produktion im Görlitzer Park:Utopia™ – Where All Is True Premiere 27. Musik: Stew aka DJ Aufenthaltsgenehmigung. She is currently the Director of Community Engagement for Philadelphia’s Shakespeare in Clark Park. Valid identification document is needed to qualify. Photos of King Bethel (2013) Treffpunkt: Lohmühlenstr. Over the last decade he co-founded and co-directed three performance ensembles – Culinary Theater, Shakespeare im Park Berlin, and the UC Movement for Efficient Privatization [UCMeP]. I was very excited to have my play selected as part of the 10 minute play festival at English Theater Berlin. 04.02. HAU 2 30.01. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Görlitzer Park 19.00 # Shakespeare im Park Berlin: King Henry IV (König Heinrich der Vierte)(Eintritt frei) (Treffpunkt: Parkeingang Görlitzer Ecke Oppelner Str.) This is a dangerous undertaking and a slippery slope that can lead to fines and criminal charges. COSTUME DESIGN: Arianne Vitale Cardoso Since 1998, Arianne has worked in the fields of costume and set design, performance, design, video … My work often probes theater’s possibilities as a social practice, and I have co-founded and co-directed three ensembles – Culinary Theater, Shakespeare im Park Berlin (2010-14) and the UC Movement for Efficient Privatization [UCMeP] (2009-11) – all of which explore contested public spaces as sites for new dramatic writing and participatory theatre. Click HERE for more information on this performance project in progress and for a few preview tracks fresh from the Schnittlabor, Click HERE for Some Mit unserem Newsletter informieren wir Sie über anstehende Veranstaltungen, Vorsprechen und Aufführungstermine unseres aktuellen Projekts. Shakespeare im Park Berlin. HENRY VIIIth: Pyres, Thomas? 2017 Ein Ort, an dem sich altes und neues Berlin treffen, an dem Menschen unterschiedlicher sozialer Schichten, kultureller Hintergründe, Altersklassen und Bildungsstände zusammenkommen. (jeweils 19 Uhr, sonntags 16 Uhr) In the aftermath of Shakespeare im Park’s staged (and wandering) adaptation of Henry IV in Berlin’s Görlitzer Park in 2011, we began work re-adapting our adaptation as a … 2017 New Years in Heaven. Utopian Worker. 31.01. Before long, the broadcast unravels into chaos: a sonic ensemble of sexually-voracious Welsh Women, inept revolutionary magicians scheming a techno-coup, politicized tea-party cross-fires, a charmingly-feminine Prince Hal, and the star of our show, the “spokesman for Merry England,” Sir John Falstaff, frolicking freely through the airwaves ever in search of those mighty minions of the moon. + 19. To encourage young people to join us in the park, we are happy to provide student discounts. This year’s contest coincides with EtB’s struggle to keep its doors open in the face of steep funding cuts as the Berlin Senate withdraws its support. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). 19:00 Uhr Schloss Britz Berlin-Kulturstall Das Wintermärchen! [Courtesy of Lisa Merk & Dark im Park Open Air Theater Aufführung Shakespeare Company Berlin Sommer 2020 Berlin Event Shakespeare In The Park, Berlin Style August 23, 2011 • There's nothing British about Shakespeare Im Park Berlin. : Fr 6. Premiere These days youngsters buy fake IDs to go party and buy booze, thus bypassing age restrictions. Utopia TM. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. And I was excited to have the folks from Shakespeare im Park direct my edgy piece, as I knew they were diehard risk takers. 16:00 Uhr Schloss Britz Berlin-Kulturstall Das Wintermärchen! So don't forget to take your camera with you – you will encounter some fascinating subjects. In this new version, aficionados Orson Welles and Harold Bloom find themselves as guests in a radio studio co-hosting a rather unconventional production of the Shakespeare classic. Fake IDs are popular among college students who want to drink alcohol together with their older peers. 29.01. Mark von Wardenburg]. / Ecke Jordanstr. Nationality Austrian Languages German: native-language English: fluent Italian: basic Dialects Viennese Carinthian (Native dialect) Accents ... Shakespeare im Park. Wir haben Ihnen Shakespeare auf Abstand gezeigt und einige Expermente gewagt. Theater im Park - Aschau. Denn wer könnte mit dieser Lage, die uns so viel Improvisationstalent abverlangt, besser umgehen, als die Shakespeare Company Berlin? Truly, I was looking forward to seeing what they would do with "Fluffers," a play for two women. Berlin 2012; Welsh woman. As a further highlight, the Shakespeare Company Berlin performs Shakespeare plays on a stage there in the summer. Do. 16.00 # Shakespeare im Park Berlin: King Henry IV (König Heinrich der Vierte) (Eintritt frei) HAU 2 21.00 # „Tanz im August“ - Tânia Carvalho, Lissabon: Icosahedron Berlin 2012. MORE: Six, my liege. Tip 10: Sanssouci Palace Park, Potsdam and Babelsberg Palace Maxwell Flaum, co-founder of Shakespeare im Park, was tapped by Günter Grosser of English Theatre Berlin to curate this year’s Ten-Minute Play competition. Shakespeare im Park Berlin errichtet Utopia TM als Installation und Performance-Aktion, als eine Reihe von Attraktionen, die sich aus dem Zusammenspiel von Mores Utopia, Shakespeares Stücken und aktuellen politischen und künstlerischen Fragen ergeben. 793 likes. Directed by Karl-Heinz Hasse. Learning Shakespeare is a safer alternative for spending free time and making new friends. August 2012 – Eintritt frei Besonders stolz sind wir auf die Uraufführung "Dark im Park", die wir in diesem Sommer spontan entwickelt und gezeigt haben. He is a co-founder of SHAKESPEARE IM PARK BERLIN, a multi-lingual, site-specific performance ensemble.Brandon is currently based in Berlin at work on a dissertation about cultural policy and contemporary performance in Berlin after the end of the Cold War. Aber im Gegenzug wird auch manches möglich, was vorher undenkbar schien. THOMAS MORE in UTOPIA // nach Texten von Thomas More und William Shakespeare. Picknicktheater im Englischen Garten, Hohenaschau. Weekends can be hot and crowded, though. Buch, Konzept u. Regie SHAKESPEARE IM PARK BERLIN Bühne Alberto Di Gennaro Kostüm Arianne Vitale Cardoso Musik Stew / Trike Regie- und Produktionsassistenz Marianne Cebulla Presse Sarah Rosenau, Mit Paul Marino, DinaÂ-Maureen Hellwig, Claudia Schwartz, Peter Priegann, Sebastian Witt, Cordula Hanns, Gianni von Weitershausen, Sebastian Rein, Maxwell Flaum, Brandon Woolf, Ana Mena, Maren Menzel, Sarah Zastrau Live MusikTrike, Trailer Shakespeare im Park 2011: Henry IV / Heinrich der Vierte 16:00 Uhr Schloss Britz Berlin-Kulturstall Othello! SHAKESPEARE IM PARK: UTOPIA — WHERE ALL IS TRUE. 29. They get inspired by freedom after reading KingOfFakes tips and info. 12. 494 likes. Das ist der Raum, den wir nutzen wollen. im Görlitzer Park, Berlin Alberto recently did the stage design for UTOPIA-where all is true by Shakespeare im Park Berlin of which he is a founding member. We, the undersigned Juli, 2., 4., 5., 8., 10., 12., 16., 18. Dark im Park Open Air Theater Aufführung Shakespeare Company Berlin Sommer 2020 Where: Priesterweg, 12157 Berlin-Schöneberg. Berlin Posted on October 11, 2014 by wordpress Orson Welles and Harold Bloom find themselves as guests in a radio studio co-hosting a rather unconventional production of the Shakespeare classic. Brandon Woolf is a theater maker and doctoral candidate in Performance Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. But they were all necessary. Görlitzer Park provides the backdrop to the Berlin version of Shakespeare in the Park. Directed by K. Beushausen & B. Woolf. SHAKESPEARE IM PARK BERLIN ist Theater für die Öffentlichkeit, in der Öffentlichkeit - im Görlitzer Park, Berlin. Directed: Katrin Beushausen & Brandon Woolf. Wenn Sie mehr lesen möchten, klicken Sie bitte in der nächsten Zeile auf "Mehr lesen"! So. Fr.