2009 spielte sie an der Seite von George Clooney in Up in the Air. Norma saved him, then locked up the motel as Annika arrived and stumbled into her arms, having sustained a fatal gunshot wound. He grabbed his knives and shouted at her, before she told him to go to his room and stay there. She then got angry and informed him that Caleb raped her. (Check-Out), Norma met Nick at his boat, the Amnesia IV. At midnight, she secretly went to the docks with the gun, and watched as Romero told Jake that he would allow Jake's illegal business to continue in White Pine Bay in exchange for 50% of the profits. After Romero's attempts to talk to Norman failed and the latter stormed back to the house, Romero told Norma that he would stay the night. Norma stormed upstairs, packed her suitcase and grabbed a gun. Norman was later released, and asked Norma about his blackouts. When Romero called to the house, Norma told him she was desperate to get Norman into Pineview and he believed she was scared to be alone in the house with Norman. When they returned home, Norma found Romero waiting for her and he told her he needed the flash drive. Norma was warned by Norman that Deputy Shelby is a shady person, but Norma continued to trust him. Synchronsprecherin von Vera Farmiga bei der Serie Bates Motel war Victoria Sturm. He told her to have a think about what he said and asked if she wanted revenge against her brother. When Dylan returned from visiting Norman, he informed her that he would be leaving town in a few days. She then told him to pack a bag and he asked where they were going. At the preliminary hearing, the judge revealed that if convicted he would face the death penalty. Die Hauptfigur - Norman Bates, erschien am Anfang des Films schon eine ganze Weile. When she went outside for some herbs, she saw Caleb, who brought her some flowers. After having sex with Romero, Norma decided to make some home improvements and he gave her the bag of Bob Paris' money, telling her to use it on the house. The resilient, intelligent, beautiful, complicated and mercurial mother of seventeen-year-old Norman Bates. The following morning, she phoned Romero and paid him a visit, asking him to marry her since he had insurance and she didn't, but he turned her down. Im Filmdrama Für das Leben eines Freundes (1998) spielte sie neben Vince Vaughn, Anne Heche und Joaquin Phoenix. When she returned home, she woke Dylan and Norman up and told them she was going to see Caleb. Norma went down to the basement to comfort Norman. Der für vier Oscars nominierte Film gilt als eines seiner zentralen Werke und ist ein Klassiker des amerikanischen Kinos. In dem Filmdrama Es begann im September (2000) spielte sie die Rolle von Lisa Tyler, der Tochter von Will Keane, den Richard Gere spielte. (The Body), As "Mother" was fingerprinted, "she" was told that it was up to the judge to decide what the penalty for Norman's crimes would be. Sie wurde außerdem im Jahr 2005 für den Independent Spirit Award nominiert. Feeling uneasy, she excused herself and went up to the house. (Nice Town You Picked, Norma...), Zack Shelby, the town's Deputy, stole all evidence of Norma's crime, although Romero was convinced that she is guilty. Da in dem Film auch die Jugendjahre ihrer Figur gezeigt werden, suchte Farmiga nach einer jungen Schauspielerin, die ihr ähnlich sieht. He did so hoping to recall the events before Annika's disappearance, nearly drowning himself in the process. She and Emma investigated Annika's vacant room and she found an invitation to the Arcanum Club. (The Immutable Truth), Noticing how Norman had been sleeping in the same bed as Norma, Dylan told her that it wasn't right as Norman was 18-years old. Norman took a pill and went to get some water but "Mother" soon told Dylan that she only had a place for one person in "her" life and hit him with a glass. Das American Film Institute wählte Psycho 2001 auf den ersten Rang der 100 besten amerikanischen Thriller. When Julia Ramos met with "Mother", the latter cunningly decided to set Madeleine up to take the blame for Sam's death due to Norman being infatuated with her. When she visited Pineview, her reunion with Norman didn't go well as he was very distant with her. When Norman was taken to his cell, he was given his meds and took them, only for "Mother" to appear and rebuke him for Dylan still being alive. Dylan told her to stay away from Nick. Alle Bestellungen sind Sonderanfertigungen und werden meist innerhalb von 24 Stunden versendet. (Hidden), The following day, a bartender phoned from the "White Horse Bar" to say that Norman's car was found in the parking lot and Norman asked if a woman named Norma had been in the night before. She then told Norman about the abuse that she suffered at the hands of her brother Caleb Calhoun, and regretted telling him afterward. When she called for Norman, she got no answer and eventually found him in the basement where he tackled her about the consent forms. She went home and started shoveling dirt into the pit before breaking down. While waiting to go home she met Nick Ford who agreed with her about the bypass, she got his number so he can help her. (Unbreak-Able), While driving on the open road, she was forced off it into a field by Bob Paris' man, who told her she had something that belonged to Paris. (Norma Louise), Norman accompanied Norma while she collected her cellphone. Romero showed up at the morgue and demanded to see Norma. As a result, Norman and Dylan threw the belt into the bay. After visiting Romero at the prison, Norman returned home to find "Mother" learning French and "she" said that she would deal with Romero. Later that night as she slept, Norman entered her room and caressed her thigh. As Romero left, he shouted that Norma was supposed to trust him. When Chick called by, he was confused to hear Norman talking to himself as "Mother" said she hated pretending to be dead. Norma went into Norman's room to talk to him but he said he had to go down to the motel office to help Emma. The following day, she got a repairman to install the control box for the space heaters and she commented about how happy she was as a married woman. Die Serie erzählt die Vorgeschichte zum Roman Psycho von Robert Bloch, der 1960 von Alfred Hitchcock verfilmt wurde. In ihrer Jugend trat sie mit einer ukrainischen Folk-Gruppe auf. (The Convergence of the Twain). When Norma went outside to confront them, they told her they were installing the pool she requested. Norma hit the realtor with her purse and left the building angrily. She snuck in over a wall and peered through a window, where she sees two men surrounded by naked women and realizes it's a gentlemen's club. Later that night, she told him that it was still too cold to sleep in the house and suggested sleeping in the motel but he opted to sleep in a separate room. She was emotionally complex and, as a single mother, utterly devoted to her son. She went to the police station but Romero wasn't willing to hand over the flash drive and Norma said that she thought she could trust him. A contemporary single mother, she is emotionally complex and utterly devoted to her son, constantly juggling her own needs and some hardcore baggage while trying to create a new home in a new town for herself and Norman. Realizing she may have said too much, she tried to leave but James grabbed her and brought her upstairs to his room. Norma said that he was talking nonsense about Bradley being alive and Dylan admitted that she had faked her death. Going back upstairs, she locked the door and phoned Dylan for help. I'm still alive". Norma then got into an argument with Dylan about his parentage, and Dylan accused her of using his birth to get away from Caleb. Sheriff Romero catches her and she tells him about Annika's disappearance and that Norman was the last person to see her. Norma Bates zieht nach dem Tod ihres Mannes mit ihrem 17-jährigen Sohn Norman von Arizona nach White Pine Bay, Oregon, wo sie bei einer Zwangsversteigerung das „Seafairer Motel“ und ein Haus erstanden hat.Norman wird schnell von beliebten Mädchen der Stadt entdeckt und angesprochen und zu einer Party eingeladen. (Midnight), Norma attended Blaire Watson's funeral, and learned that a bypass would be built in front of the motel (despite being told that it was a canceled project in Season 1). She went to his ally, who gave her a case file about an endangered species of gophers whose natural habitat would be destroyed by the bypass. (There's No Place Like Home). When Norman later met Madeleine in town, who invited him on a double date with a friend. Due to the abuse suffered during her childhood at the hands of her parents she finds it hard to form a lasting relationship with any man with Norman being the only male figure that she fully trusts. Together they wrapped up his body and brought it to the lake, intending to dispose of it there before the man's cellphone rang. Farmiga debütierte im Jahr 1996 in Broadway-Theaterstücken. Der Film wurde zumeist nur auf Filmfestivals gezeigt und auf DVD veröffentlicht. When Norman tried to leave for the meeting that Madeleine had invited him to, "Mother" attempted to prevent him from leaving and ended up dragging him by the ear down to the basement, where it was revealed that the body of a man was being stored in the freezer. When she returned home, Dylan and Norman wanted to talk to her. Norman asked for them to be left alone so Norma went back upstairs. She had a recollection of being a child and hiding under the porch of her house while her parents fought and Caleb confronted her. She also said that she had an appointment with a mental facility so that Norman could get help, and checked in on a sleeping Norman before she left. (The Pit). [4][5][6][7][8], Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards 2004, Marrakech International Film Festival 2004. As they later drove home from Pineview, Norma told Norman that he would always be number one in her heart. In the film Norma's corpse is mummified and skeleton like. Die Hauptfigur – Norman Beyts, erschien zu Beginn des Films eine ganze Weile. She had cooled off by the time Romero returned but wasn't pleased when Chick arrived with the repaired window. She told him not to ask her again. Jake told Norma that he knew the full story of Keith and Shelby, so she kicked him out of the motel. Before she hung up, Caleb told her that he loved her but she couldn't bring herself to say the same to him. Vera Farmiga bei der Weltpremiere des Kinofilms 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters / Godzilla II - King of the Monsters' im TCL Chinese Theatre. When Norman became increasingly frustrated that she didn't trust him a hallucination of Norma told him to take a bath. After Sheriff Greene's visit, Norman told "Mother" about the police finding multiple bodies and Norman eventually made the decision to bury Norma's corpse in the woods, promising that he would be back soon. Norman is resistant to starting over in a new town, but begins to change his mind as he spread his wings a little. She told Romero not to touch her and left. Caleb arrived and told her about the time that Norman found him at the motel and in Norma's persona told him that he had raped her. After Norman found his father's body crushed under a shelf in their garage, the two remaining Bates moved to White Pine Bay. Norma said that she didn't want Norman to be taken away from her. After Chick showed up to offer his condolences, Norman realized that Norma would not be coming back and attempted to shoot himself before hearing the piano playing. However, she was horrified to see that Jake has placed Shelby's corpse on her bed. However, it appears he is in the process of mummifying it since Caleb finds a book on the process. While closing up the motel office that evening, Romero dropped by and attempted to make amends. The following morning, she found Romero on the couch and wouldn't listen to his pleas to send Norman back to Pineview. When she decided to set some boundaries, he acted coolly towards her. Norma had a horrible childhood experience because her father was abusive while her mother was always sedated. During the lesson in target-shooting that he gave her, he called her "Mom" for the first time in years (although he had said it sarcastically before). When he reversed the car out, he noticed a pair of lacy red underwear on the back seat. Nick showed up at the motel and asked Norma to arrange a meeting between him and Dylan, so Norma visited Dylan at his office.