20.09 - 28.09. Internationale Bootsmesse Hamburg | 31. hanseboot - Hamburg (up to 2007) for Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH the Martin Greve GmbH has designed, implemented and was responsible as project manager for following projects: International Boat Show Hamburg, âhansebootâ (up to 2007) Water program to the Port of Hamburg's birthday Set in one of the oldest trade fair cities in Europe, Hamburg Messe und Congress benefits from excellent infrastructure and location. 6.03 - 9.03. 05-08 March. Contact info for HANSEBOOT ANCORA BOAT SHOW Official Web Site. 24-26 April . Die 56. November. The Jobmesse in Hamburg is a career fair with the themes recruiting skilled employees, personal services and business creation and enterprise development. Austrian Boat Show BOOT TULLN. BELGIAN BOAT SHOW . Termine & Ort der Veranstaltung MINERALIEN HAMBURG 2020 - Internationale Messe für Mineralien, Fossilien, Edelsteine und Schmuck POLBOAT Yachting Festival. HansePferd 2020 - Messe Hamburg. Before getting cancelled the 2020 edition of HansePferd Hamburg was supposed to take place between Apr 24 and Apr 26 in Hamburg Messe und Congress.. 8 - 10.02 & 14 - 16.02. hanseboot ancora boat show 2016: The In-Water Boat Show in Neustadt i.H. Jobmesse Hamburg. HansePferd Hamburg vom 24. â 26. ... Hamburg Messe und Congress Messeplatz 1 20357 Hamburg Germany +49 40 3569 0 +49 40 3569 2180. HansePferd Hamburg 2020 was cancelled. Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show. Fair International HANSEBOOT is not staged anymore Hamburg Germany 10/28/2017-11/5/2017 Check our all-in-one information page. ... Hanseboot Hamburg . Das Deck ist weich geworden? September 2020. Oktober â 8. April 2020 ... (Last update: Aug. 31 st 2020⦠Career fair | regional Fair. November 2015 Ihre Yacht hat ein Loch im Rumpf? 17 likes. 20 August 2020 - 22 August 2020. 13-17th February. Web Site E-mail. The latest information for Hamburg Messe und Congress in Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH (HMC) will discontinue its water sports trade fair hanseboot after the 2017 event but is planning to stage a new format on the Elbe river in future. Oktober bis zum 8. Each year over 700,000 people from Germany and abroad visit the venue. Austrian Boat Show - BOOT TULLN. INTERBOOT Friedrichshafen . HAMBURG ancora YACHTFESTIVAL (ehemals hanseboot ancora boat show) SMM 2018 - Schiffspropeller - it`s SMM time again The leading international maritime trade fair Check below for more information on the current edition of HansePferd Hamburg and how to request your hotel accommodation. www.hanseboot.de 56. Miami Boatshow. HANSEBOOT ANCORA BOAT SHOW 2021; french english german spanish. Hanseboot (650 Aussteller) auf dem Hamburger Messegelände und im CitySporthafen, läuft vom 31.