Various python programming features can be used to achieve this. In this example code, even_items() uses a list comprehension rather than a for loop to extract every item from the list whose index is an even number. We can achieve the same in Python with the following approaches. ... Python List index() The index() method returns the index of the specified element in the list. If that item is found, the index position of that item is returned to the main program. Check prime number. Using range() function There's no index initializing, bounds checking, or index incrementing. So while we do have for loops in Python, we do not have have traditional C-style for loops. Loop through list variable in Python and print each element one by one. Let’s … Find the factorial of a number. It is a non-scalar data structure and mutable in nature. ... Python List: Exercise - 64 with Solution. This is the usual way to iterate over a List when we don’t care about item index: >>> animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'bat', 'tiger', 'elephant'] To achieve this we need to read the last element first and then the last but one and so on till the element at index 0. If the item is not found after the entire list has been searched, -1 is returned to the main program. Dictionaries in Python. The loops start with the index variable ‘i’ as 0, then for every iteration, the index ‘i’ is incremented by one and the loop runs till the value of ‘i’ and length of fruits array is the same. You can verify that even_items() works as expected by getting the even-indexed items from a range of integers from 1 … Python List Exercises, Practice and Solution: Write a Python program to iterate over two lists simultaneously. Python | Accessing index and value in list Last Updated: 27-11-2018 There are various methods to access the elements of a list, but sometimes we may require to access element along with the index on which it is found. In this tutorial, learn how to loop over Python list variable. The syntax of the list index… Remember to increase the index by 1 after each iteration. Iterate over Python List with for loop for-in. Python For Loops. Python Lists. Unlike traditional C-style for loops, Python's for loops don't have index variables. A list is an ordered sequence of elements. Python's for loops do all the work of looping over our numbers list for us.. The list variable is the variable whose values are comma-separated. Using a While Loop. Python : Convert list of lists or nested list to flat list; Pandas : 6 Different ways to iterate over rows in a Dataframe & Update while iterating row by row A for loop is used for iterating over a sequence (that is either a list, a tuple, a dictionary, a set, or a string).. You have to use Python for loop and looping over a list variable and print it in the output.. How to get the Iteration index in for loop in Python. In this article, we will learn about iterating/traversing over a list in Python 3.x. Our code uses a “for” loop to iterate through every item in the “array” list. Add two numbers. Print the Fibonacci sequence. Using range(N, -1, -1) We are using the range function but starting with the position -1. while Loop in Python. You can loop through the list items by using a while loop.. Use the len() function to determine the length of the list, then start at 0 and loop your way through the list items by refering to their indexes.. The thing that we call a for loop works very differently. ... Next: Write a Python program to access dictionary key’s element by index. Sometimes we need to go through the elements of a list in backward order. Popular Examples. This is less like the for keyword in other programming languages, and works more like an iterator method as found in other object-orientated programming languages.. With the for loop we can execute a set of statements, once for each item in a list, tuple, set etc. Python : Get number of elements in a list, lists of lists or nested list; Python: Find index of element in List (First, last or all occurrences) Python: Check if any string is empty in a list? Or earlier.