HSG in Banking and Finance (MBF) bietet in den Bereichen Finanzmärkten, Finanzinstitutionen, Unternehmensfinanzierung und Quantitative Methoden eine hochwertige theorie- und anwendungsbezogene Ausbildung. Ziel des Masterstudiums Banking und Finance ist eine solide und fundierte Ausbildung in finanzwirtschaftlichen Kernbereichen. Minimale Zugangsvoraussetzungen sind ein Bachelor-Abschluss in Rechnungswesen, Bankwesen, Finanzwesen, … This comprehensive master's degree will provide you with a thorough understanding of the banking and finance industry. The master's programme in Banking and Finance offers a solid, well-grounded education in the key areas of finance. Der Master in Finance der Cass Business School oder der schon erwähnte Master in Finance der London Business School sind gute Beispiele. Fachlich infrage kommendes Bachelor- bzw. Februar eines Jahres möglich. The programme provides a solid background for students pursuing a professional career in the financial industry as financial analysts, chief financial officers and portfolio managers. Nebst der ökonomischen Grundausbildung bedingt das Studium in Banking and Finance starke Fähigkeiten in Mathematik und Statistik. Based on Utrecht University’s research expertise, this unique and state-of-the-art Finance Master’s gives you a deep understanding of the interaction between the economic environment, economic policy, financial markets and financial institutions. 12/12/19. Weitere Informationen zu den Studieninhalten findest Du auch in unserer Beschreibung zum Präsenzstudiengang Banking and Finance. On this banking and finance master’s you’ll learn through interactive lectures, seminars and independent study. Students can benefit from internships and overseas study tours, and the department has generously set aside over HK$1 million for scholarships and allowances to subsidise membership of professional bodies. Mit dem Masterstudium Banking and Finance qualifizieren sich AbsolventInnen insbesondere für Positionen in Unternehmen des Finanzsektors, wie z.B. The Master of Banking and Finance delivers a flexible, career-oriented and current postgraduate banking and finance education. Alternative Investments) as well as FinTech, Data Analytics and Blockchain. Die Inhalte des Masterstudiums richten sich dabei sowohl auf die theoretischen Grundlagen, die hierfür notwendig sind, als auch auf die Bedingungen der Umsetzung und Anwendbarkeit wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse. Students who are interested in banking and finance may pursue a master's degree in international economics. Druckansicht Schrift grösser/kleiner Service Navigation. You should have a strong background in a related discipline and your first degree should have a substantial mathematics and statistics content in … VVZ: Corporate Finance (L) ... Research Seminar BBLS Banking & Finance … Learning activities will also include: presentations mini class exercises case studies; Using case studies you'll apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. The goal of this Master in Banking and Finance is to form experts who are able to perform analyses of financial problems and developments within a sound theoretical and quantitative framework. At the core of this internationally oriented English language based master degree programme “International Banking and Finance” is the acquisition of practically relevant management. Das Banking and Finance Bachelor Studium ist auf sieben bis acht Semester angelegt. The program delivers the necessary competencies to understand the economic mechanisms of financial markets, the complexitiy of managing financial institutions, and the peculiarities of decision-making by financial actors. Finance program in Vilnius University is strong, both theoretical and practical study program, which includes actual knowledge base, practical skills, international experience and practice. Das Studium wird auf Englisch durchgeführt. In Brief. It prepares for challenging careers in the banking and insurance sector as well as with financial service providers. Banken, Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen oder Versicherungen. Student's Testimonial - Master in Banking and Finance . Apply methods and ideas in customer and product management, treasury, cost accounting, controlling, liquidity and risk management at master’s level; Analyse the connections and effects of central banking processes, plan measures to steer these processes, and implement them in an international environment ... Master, Msc QF | Course with integrated tutorial. Banking and Finance (Master) Das Ziel des Masterstudiums Banking and Finance ist eine solide und fundierte finanzwirtschaftliche Ausbildung, insbesondere in den Gebieten Asset Pricing und Finanzmärkte, Banking und Finanzintermediation sowie Corporate Finance. Hurry the courses start from 04 Jan 2021. skills, tailored to the needs of the international banking and finance industry. The Masters in Finance is designed for new or recent graduates. It offers subject-specific skills and knowledge in the areas of Bank and Risk Management, Corporate Finance and Investments (incl. Application procedure. Im Banken- und Versicherungsbereich rückt aufgrund verschärfter aufsichtsrechtlicher Vorschriften zunehmend die Messung und Steuerung von Risiken in den Vordergrund. Master in Finance and Banking graduates can analyze market behavior on a micro- or macro-scale, finding their expertise needed in a wide variety of organization types, from international corporations to small businesses, from public offices to academic or research posts. Aktuell stehen Ihnen vier Spezialisierungsbereiche zu Wahl: Tuition Fees pre-Master’s programme. Studium.at versichert, sämtliche Inhalte nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen recherchiert und aufbereitet zu haben. Der Master-Studiengang Banking & Finance setzt auf einem wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Erststudium auf und bietet eine bankbetriebliche Vertiefung in Geschäftsfeldern von Kreditinstituten, denen eine hohe geschäftspolitische Relevanz zukommt. im Studienplan: Das Masterstudium Banking and Finance soll den Studierenden die Fähigkeiten vermitteln, anspruchsvolle Aufgaben insbesondere in Unternehmen des Finanzsektors übernehmen zu können. Master in Finance and Banking graduates can analyze market behavior on a micro- or macro-scale, finding their expertise needed in a wide variety of organization types, from international corporations to small businesses, from public offices to academic or research posts. Auf einen Blick. Universität Zürich Institut für Banking und Finance Studium Veranstaltungen. Im Fokus steht die anwendungsorientierte Lehre und das Ziel ist es, die Studenten nicht auf eine wissenschaftliche Karriere sondern auf ihre berufliche Laufbahn z.B. In der Regel dauert das Banking and Finance Studium 6 Semester und wird als Bachelor of Arts mit einer Bachelorarbeit abgeschlossen. Around 1,000 master’s students from all over the world; Teaching by research-active academics as well as visiting city professionals; Wide range of elective modules; Wide range of optional short modules (on programming languages, trading platforms such as Bloomberg, etc. The master's programme in Banking and Finance offers high-quality education and training designed to successfully cope with the challenges of modern financial markets.The program delivers the necessary competencies to understand the economic mechanisms of financial markets, the complexitiy of managing financial institutions, and the peculiarities of decision-making by financial actors. Zusätzlich wird auch Wissen aus anderen Teilbereichen der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, verwandten Gebieten und methodischen Fächern vermittelt. Das englischsprachige Master-Studium in Banking and Finance setzt sich zum Ziel, Spezialisten für praktische Tätigkeiten in Finanzinstitutionen (Banken, Versicherungen, Vermögensverwaltungen etc.) HSG in Banking and Finance (MBF) bietet in den Bereichen Finanzmärkten, Finanzinstitutionen, Unternehmensfinanzierung und Quantitative Methoden eine hochwertige theorie- und anwendungsbezogene Ausbildung. Der Master in Banking and Finance ist eine wissenschaftlich fundierte und zugleich praxisorientierte Management­ausbildung auf internationalem Niveau. The master's programme in Banking and Finance offers high-quality education and training designed to successfully cope with the challenges of modern financial markets. Das berufsbegleitende Master-Studienkonzept bietet Ihnen eine fachliche Spezialisierung in einem der folgenden vier Geschäftsfeldern: Banksteuerung und Bankenaufsicht, Firmenkundengeschäft, Private Banking oder; Prüfungs- und Treuhandwesen. The Master of Science (LM-16) in Finance and Banking is a two-year program of quantitative methods for finance designed for highly talented students who wish to study mathematical and statistical techniques applied to financial markets. This master's degree will leave you well-positioned for graduate roles in retail and investment banking, treasury functions and academic research. Mit dem weiterführenden Master Studium verbesserst Du Deine Managementkompetenzen und vertiefst Dich in verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeitsbereiche wie den Vertrieb, die Unternehmensführung oder das Risikocontrolling. Diesen Fächern begegnest du u.a. Ein anschließendes Master Studium in Banking and Finance umfasst drei bis vier Semester, in denen Du Dich spezialisieren kannst. Chartered status shows employers, customers and regulators that you have reached the highest level of professional education in your field. School of Economics and Finance. The Master of Science in Banking and Finance is a research-based MSc with a practical dimension providing advanced technical and management training. Students will acquire a rigorous theoretical basis and the competence to transform it into practical management guidance. Career prospects and further degree programs Graduates are ideally qualified to assume specialized or management roles of significant responsibility in the banking, insurance and consulting industries and in the public sector. In the fields of corporate finance, risk management & insurance, quantitative methods & data science, banking & the financial economy, financial markets and alternative investments, the MBF offers high-quality eduaction in both theory and application. Gain a competitive edge with an advanced and critical understanding of theoretical frameworks and applied aspects of banking, financial regulation, financial markets, risk management and corporate financial management. Graduating with a Masters Banking & Finance from us will give you automatic chartered status – a mark of senior standing in the banking and finance industries. The study programme, which is taught in English, is an innovative combination of the subjects of money and macroeconomics on the one hand and finance on the other, and therefore links economic policy with the financial sector. Datenschutz - Impressum. It is highly practical, designed to meet employer needs and provides graduates with the theoretical knowledge, capabilities and work experience relevant to a career in the profession. Research Projects supervised by Yvette Sánchez, Organisation of Conference and Lecture Series, Panels, Collaborations in Radio, TV and Print Media, University of St.Gallen procurement guidelines, Panel Discussion - Prague Spring and Ota Šiks "The Third Way", Intensive Course German for Academic Studies, Intensive Course English for Academic Studies, External language certificate for Chinese (HSK), Further Services for Preparation of various Tests. To enroll for the pre-Master’s programme you must first apply for the Master Banking and Finance. Aber auch in Unternehmen außerhalb des Finanzsektors werden die spezifischen Kompetenzen der AbsolventInnen in den entsprechenden Finanzabteilungen größerer Betriebe benötigt. Die AbsolventInnen verfügen über hoch spezialisierte Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Finanzmärkte, Finanzinstitute und betriebliche Investitions- und Finanzierungsentscheidungen. The master’s programme in Banking and Finance provides students with the necessary skills for ambitious careers in theoretical and applied research as well as for specialised and executive positions in both private enterprises and the public sector. Seitenfunktionen. die (Fach-)Hochschulreife. Schon während des Studiums können aufgrund der engen Vernetzung zwischen Forschung und Praxis durch das Hannover Center of Finance (HCF) sowie das House of Insurance Kontakte geknüpft werden. Students also acquire knowledge in other disciplines of the economic sciences, in related areas, and in research methods. Business Administration vermittelt Instrumente der Kapitalmärkte sowie Methoden der internen Unternehmensfinanzierung. Good knowledge of English is required for the Master's program in Banking and Finance as the majority of courses are taught in English. Fachlich infrage kommender Bachelorabschluss oder Äquivalent, Kontakt - Werbung & Mediadaten - You’ll explore topics through group discussions and role play. Darum MBF. MASTER di II livello in BANKING AND FINANCE (BA.FI) - Brochure a.a. 2020/2021 18 dicembre 2020 dalle ore 14 alle 16 - Presentazione della XX edizione del Master Webinar "La figura del Risk Manager 2.0 in epoca Codiv tra pandemia e urgenze regolamentari"Locandina Diplomstudium an der Universität Innsbruck. These programs provide a broad overview of … Das Studium kombiniert umfassendes Know-how in den wichtigen finanzwirtschaftlichen Disziplinen mit Digitalkompetenz. 122 Postgraduate Banking and Finance courses in Canada. Das Studienangebot des Schwerpunkts Finance, Banking & Insurance richtet sich an besonders motivierte Studierende aller wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fachrichtungen mit sehr guten quantitativen Kenntnissen. Curriculum. oder für Beratungstätigkeiten im Finanzbereich auszubilden. Sie sind in der Lage, ihre Kompetenz in diesen Kernbereichen sowie an den Schnittstellen zu weiteren Bereichen der Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaft durch das wissenschaftliche Formulieren und Untermauern von Argumenten und das innovative Lösen von Problemen anzuwenden. I would like to recommend it, because it is the place where you are always valued and respected, the place for people with goals, wishes and ambitions. and Computer Science, There is no content for this configuration, Management, Organization Studies and Cultural Theory, Admission to Additional Qualification Programmes, Leadership Programm for Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Deans, Organization Studies and Cultural Theory (DOK), Graduate Programme in Economics and Finance (GPEF), International Affairs and Political Economy (DIA), Consultancy for Empirical Economic- and Social Research, Benefactors of the University of St.Gallen, Initial requirements for foreign languages, Model World Trade Organization (Model WTO), Philosophy of the Program and Requirements, Certificate in Managing Climate Solutions, Ph.D. in International Affairs and Political Economy, Ph.D. in Organisation Studies and Cultural Theory, Partner university exchange Bachelor and Master, ESKAS - Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships, GSERM - Global School in Empirical Research Methods, Guest auditors and individual course participation, Learn how to communicate professionally in the media, Global School in Empirical Research Methods, Reflect on your decision to pursue a Doctoral Thesis, Actively focus on defining your career goals, Inform yourself early eough about funding opportunities, Academic integrity: Learn what that means, «Global Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation», Policy Statement on Responsibility & Sustainability 2016, Vice-President's Board (Institutes & Executive Education), Vice-President's Board (Studies & Academic Affairs), Vice-President's Board (External Relations), Vice-President's Board (Research & Faculty), Decisions of the Appeal Committee (in German), CEMS - The Global Alliance in Management Education, PIM - Partnership in International Management, APSIA - Association of Professional Schools of Int. The course provides an in-depth study of the theory and practice of modern banking and finance. Gastreferate von Wirtschaftsvertretern und durch Unternehmen betreute Seminare ermöglichen es, schon früh mit der Berufswelt in Kontakt zu treten. Our vision is to be among the top academic Banking and Finance groups in Europe by providing a relevant and challenging curriculum for its students, delivered by excellent faculty committed to quality in teaching and research. The curriculum covers a broad spectrum of topics and is taught in a multicultural environment. Zürich als international bedeutender Wirtschaftsstandort und Finanzplatz bietet ein hervorragendes Umfeld für das Studium in Banking and Finance. Der Fachbereich Finance des M.Sc. Master of Management (Banking and Finance) Massey provided a supportive, affectionate and comfortable learning environment. After completing my Master's degree in International Business Administration with a specialisation in Finance and International Management at the University of Vienna, I decided to enroll in Banking & Finance to further deepen my knowledge of Finance. The master’s programme in Banking and Finance provides students with the necessary skills for ambitious careers in theoretical and applied research as well as for specialised and executive positions in both private enterprises and the public sector. Bachelorstudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Management and Economics in Banking and Finance is a 2 year post graduate banking course. Somit bereitet das Studium ideal auf eine anspruchsvolle Tätigkeit insbesondere in der Finanz- und Versicherungsindustrie vor. An erster Stelle benötigst du das Abitur, bzw. Insgesamt werden dabei 180 ECTS-Punkte (Credit Points) erbracht. Das Masterstudium Banking and Finance soll den Studierenden die Fähigkeiten vermitteln, anspruchsvolle Aufgaben insbesondere in Unternehmen des Finanzsektors übernehmen zu können. Certain programmes will be of interest if you are already a practitioner in the financial field. Die Einschreibung ist bis zum zum 28. Contemporary Issues in Finance The module starts with early phase of a typical firm’s life cycle with discussion of the role of venture capital in mentoring and leading them to possible exits including Initial public offerings. The Centre for Responsible Banking and Finance (CRBF) exposes students to the research and work of eminent academics and business executives. The Admissions Committee will then decide whether you will be admitted to the Pre-Master’s programme. Dieser Studiengang wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten. Die Inhalte des Masterstudiums sollen auch Ausgangsbasis für einen weiteren wissenschaftlichen Werdegang im Rahmen eines Doktorats/PhD-Studiums darstellen.