Willkommen an Board der SH Airline! How are multinational companies managed and organised and what types of strategy to they use? The CEMS Master's in International Management (CEMS MIM) is a master programme in the field of business and management, delivered by 33 leading universities from around the world in cooperation with more than 70 multinational corporations and seven social partners. Persönliche Sprechzeiten Bewerbung, Zulassung und Einschreibung Montag, Dienstag, Donnerstag: 10 - 12:30 Uhr Mittwoch: 16 - 18 Uhr oder nach individueller Terminvereinbarung: international-masters-students verw.uni-koeln.de Masterstudium International Business Mangement (M.A.) Top Rankings Studienerfolgsquote 94,8% Jetzt mehr erfahren! This ensures that the programmes reflect the real world and that they thus combine the practical and the theoretical, whilst also promoting knowledge-sharing between companies and you, the student. Erstellt am: 7. A multi-faceted curriculum ensures a good balance between theoretical and experiential learning. Mit dem International Management Bachelor studieren Sie mit hohem internationalen Anspruch sowie praxisorientieren Inhalten. Die typischen Leitungsfunktionen und Aufgaben des Managements sind die Planung, Organisation, Führung und Kontrolle des Unternehmens bzw. How can I assess future trends in how business is done in the face of ever-changing technology? an der Hochschule Fresenius in Köln. Praxisnähe und Internationalität gehören zu den Erfolgsfaktoren der ISM, die zu den besten privaten Wirtschaftshochschulen in Deutschland zählt. How can I use mathematical methods to determine optimum stock levels for a company? with CEMS members from all over the world; learn econometric methods and analyse the economic situation of global companies. Um diese zu klären, bieten wir derzeit neben der telefonischen Beratung auch individuelle Online-Sprechstunden an. Unten stehende 12 Internationales Business Management Master Studiengänge werden in Köln angeboten: Master Internationales Business Management (Fachrichtung) | Das Management bezeichnet die Leitung von Unternehmen und Organisationen. Develop an understanding of the role of leadership in different intercultural environments and effective approaches to strengthening ethical behaviour in business. For your online application, please select "Winter Semester" and search for "Universität zu Köln". Dezember 2020, vergrößern: Structure: CEMS MIM: Master's in International Management, Structure: CEMS MIM: Master's in International Management, Get more information about CEMS: cems.org, Cologne's CEMS Student Sui Khan explains in Times Higher Education Blog why climate change negotiations by the United Nations are also relevant for business education, Click on the photo and watch the videos. International Management (CEMS MIM), the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne offers national and international consecutive master's programmes in the fields of Business Administration, Economics and Social Sciences and the Cologne Rotterdam Executive MBA. Management degrees include specialisations in Business Analytics, Operations Management, Information Systems, Supply Chain Management … For further questions on the application or admission process, please contact our WiSo Student Service Point. International Management an der International School of Management - hier gibt es Infos zur Regelstudienzeit, Zulassung, Bewerbung und Studienbeiträgen für den Master of Science. Reflect on your own conceptions of leadership and relate them to current positions and arguments discussed in academic literature and case studies. Master in International Management Programme Structure pages. The CEMS MIM, top-ranked in the Financial Times Master's in Management Ranking, is a pre-experience postgraduate degree. Applicants with a bachelor's degree acquired abroad must additionally apply online via uni-assist by 31 March. June 2020, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Overview International full degree students, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät. In Cologne, we cooperate closely with our corporate partners. A multi-faceted curriculum ensures a good balance between theoretical and experiential learning. CBS International Business School. Dieser internationale Studiengang der Fakultäten 03 und 04 führt in 15 Monaten zu zwei Abschlüssen (M. A. und MBA) und kombiniert Elemente des Internationalen Managements mit der Theorie und Praxis der Interkulturellen Kommunikation. Uni-assist recommends sending in the application at least eight weeks before the deadline expires. From the first day of your studies the CEMS network offers you a strong and lifelong community that supports you personally and in your career. The Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo Faculty) at the University of Cologne offers the CEMS Master's in International Management (CEMS MIM) as part of the 2-year MSc in International Management. As the University of Cologne is state-funded, there are no tuition fees - just a biannual "semester contribution" of a little more than 280 euros - so you can invest in an excellent education - and your future - without paying a fortune. Documents required for KLIPS (authentication not mandatory): Students, who did not obtain their bachelor's degree in Germany must additionally apply online via uni-assist until 31 March. Mit diesem Satz starteten sieben Studierende der FHM Köln in den ersten Pitch des New Talent Award 2017, der alle zwei Jahre vom Fachverband für Messe- und Ausstellungsbau e.V. Study in the City of the Cathedral. Students of the University of Cologne use their KLIPS account. 1 der Online-Jobbörsen. Please note, you have to document your education in detail. The admission requirements must be met by the application deadline and are as follows: in Business Administration or Economics with strong proficiency in Business Administration, Economics and quantitative methods. How can I check and compare the effects of a company’s marketing activities? Look into construction management graduate programs if you have an interest in the construction field and are hoping to demonstrate your leadership abilities in a managerial role. Please note the "Information on categorising courses". (FAMAB) für den Bereich Event ausgetragen wird und in diesem Jahr in Osnabrück stattfand. Wo Du Deinen Master beginnst, kannst Du selbst entscheiden. Dein Masterstudium in Köln, Mainz oder Potsdam – mit den drei Standorten der CBS stehen Dir alle Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Der Studiengang ist postgradual und wird angeboten von der Hochschule CBS International Business School in Köln. As a student of the WiSo Faculty, you benefit from an approach that is based on theory and methods, combining both research and teaching with practical elements. You start with the certificate from the last school you graduated from (which entitles you to begin university studies in your home country) and continue up to the current state of progress in your university studies. News. Master programmes In addition to Double Master’s Programmes and the M.Sc. Only after the handling fee has been paid, the application will be evaluated. Unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Sascha Lord und in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Kölner Paten-Werbeagentur Ereignis… Construction management schools teach students to plan, coordinate, budget and oversee construction projects in areas such as commercial, residential, and industrial building. Hier informieren und bewerben! International Management studieren – internationale BWL mit individuellen Schwerpunkten. in International Management and the CEMS Master's are designed to provide you with excellent academic and practical training, together with an international focus for your future career in a global business environment. Due to the coronavirus, we have decided to make some changes in the application process for the master's program in International Management (CEMS MIM). If you’re already studying International Management and would like to find out more about specific details of your master programme, you’ll find what you’re looking for on the Master in International Management Programme Structure pages. 37 Studiengänge im Bereich International Management im Vergleich Finden Sie jetzt das richtige Studiengang im Bereich International Management bei www.careeradvisor.de. in International Management programme at the WiSo Faculty – one of the CEMS member schools. MASTER AND MORE: Alle Infos zum Masterstudium. How can I apply research findings to real-life business issues? Furthermore, you have to hand in all documents in original language and additionally in translation either in German or in English language. The University of Cologne's M.Sc. Discuss current topics of relevance to international companies (strategy, organisation, personnel, business ethics, etc.) From the first days of your studies the CEMS network offers you a strong and lifelong community that supports you personally and in your career. Please read through our application notes. MSc International Management (CEMS MIM) The Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo Faculty) at the University of Cologne offers the CEMS Master's in International Management (CEMS MIM) as part of the 2-year MSc in International Management. How can I analyse the economic situation of multinational companies and other global institutions? Unique CEMS student community - at home and all around the world ! Informieren Sie sich hier ausführlich über das Studium International Management zum Master of Business Administration (MBA). in International Management and the CEMS Master's are designed to provide you with excellent academic and practical training, together with an international focus for your future career in a global business environment. Sport Management Master of Science ️ . In Cologne, the CEMS MIM is offered as part of the two-year MSc in International Management programme. in Berlin, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt / Main, Hamburg, Köln, München und Stuttgart. Applicants who did not obtain their bachelor's degree in Germany must additionally apply online via uni-assist until 31 March. Academic achievements: bachelor grade [51-26 score points], GMAT or TM-BASE (English version of TM-WISO) test score: not mandatory, however, highly recommended [24,5-0 score points], Interview: includes education, motivation, analytical and communication skills, demeanour and integrity, international experience [24,5-0 score points]. It is not possible to apply for an advanced semester since the programme can only be successfully finished when started in the first semester. This network is a global alliance of 33 leading business schools across 5 continents, around 70 multinational corporations and seven social partners that together offer the CEMS Master’s in International Management (MIM). Uni-assist recommends sending in the application at least eight weeks before the deadline expires. Sport Management is a highly research oriented degree program emphasizing an international perspective. Trustees waive fees for residential permits indefinitely Permit fees waived include residential accessory structures, residential fences and decks, residential pools, residential alterations and additions and home occupation. Enrolment is generally conducted in July. (Basierend auf Total Visits weltweit, Quelle: comScore) It is open to top-class, internationally minded, multilingual students enrolled in the MSc in International … Created: 27. Juni 2016, zuletzt geändert am: 22. MIM degrees are an affordable alternative to MBA degrees and are offered by international business schools and universities. How do I communicate in an intercultural team? This ensures that uni-assist can inform applicants in time if they need to submit further documents. All documents must be provided in either German or English and submitted via our campus management system KLIPS by 31 March. International Management Master (CEMS MIM) is designed to provide you with excellent academic and practical training, together with an international focus for your future career in global business environment. How can I present my findings in written form and in presentations? The core and advanced category (54 CPs) comprises the compulsory CEMS Cores and elective modules.